FISH WITH FORCE·Get on fish faster, and stay on the water with themost powerful, most efficient trolling motor available1 — and it’s quiet, too.·Force is more efficient at 24 V than thecompetition’s 36 V system. No lie.·Wirelessly connect to your Garmin chartplotter,and open up a world of possibilities.·It comes with sonar built in, too? That’s justtoo good to be true.·All the control of a cable-steered pedal withoutthe cable.·Just point the handheld remote where you want togo, and Force will take you there.HIGH-POWEREDForce trolling motorhas the power to move you from spot to spot more quickly and stand up better towinds and currents — and it’s still whisper quiet.REMARKABLE EFFICIENCYThe high-efficiencybrushless motor operates at either 36 V or 24 V. When running at 24 V, itdelivers comparable thrust to our competitors’ 36-V motors.QUIET ABOVE AND BELOW THE WATERThe ultraquiet motordoesn’t scare fish and is nearly undetectable to sonar, so it won’t fuzz upyour sonar screens with static.WIRELESS FOOT PEDALGet instantresponsiveness in a convenient pedal that feels and steers just like acable-steered pedal. It operates wirelessly using AA batteries, but it canstill be hardwire installed.WATER-RESISTANT, FLOATING REMOTEThe included handheldremote control with a sunlight-readable display controls the trolling motor andfeatures point-and-go gesture steering. User-programmable keys can be used tocontrol your chartplotter.ROBUST AND EASY TO USEThe Force trollingmotor is rugged and durable, easy to deploy, and easy to retract and stow withdual gas springs. It’s backed with a 3-year warranty and a limited lifetimewarranty on the shaft.WIRELESS CHARTPLOTTER INTEGRATIONWirelessly connectForce to your Garmin chartplotter, so you can create routes to your favoritewaypoints and follow tracks while you fish.BUILT-IN AUTOPILOTThe built-inautopilot, with integrated heading sensor and GPS, provides anchor lock,heading hold and cruise control. Just set your track, and it will guide youalong your course.INTEGRATED SONARForce comes with abuilt-in transducer for CHIRP traditional and Ultra High-Definition ClearVü andSideVü scanning sonars. See the specs tab for more details on additional sonarsupport.

GARMIN Force 50 Inch 24V – 36V Trolling Motor 100LBS Thrust | 010-02024-00 – SHIPPING CHARGES APPLY
Model: None
Available on backorder